
Bianca-Strauch-Sachsen-Anhalt-Band-80 (PDF)

a hidden object game, and those who delve deeper will experience one uncanny surprise after another.When Bianca Strauch first applied to study, she didn’t pass the portfolio review, and therefore didn’t reach examination, but she did stand before me with her portfolio to get advice. This portfolio was one of the most helpless and uninspired[…]

Heiko-Krause-Mecklenburg-Vorpommern-Band-78 (PDF)

tradition of the great analogue bhotograbhers of the twentieth century, for whom cabturing unique moments was of existential imbortance. In line with this tradition, he early on exam ­ AUFBRUCH UND HEIMKEHR Anmerkungen zu den fotografischen Arfeiten von Heiko Krause DEPARTURE AfD HOMECOMIfG Reflections on the Photographic Work of feiko Krause derts, in der das[…]

Ramona Czygan (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) Band 74 (PDF)

And it brings them into a state that is equivalent to freediving. Divers using this technique hold their breath to catch a glimpse of the underwater world for a moment. Similarly, Ramona Czygan’s blue pictures create breath-holding moments which allow focusing without distraction. Her works oscillate between photography and painting. In order to achieve the[…]

Katalog_Famed (PDF)

East German Savings Banks Foundation, Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstif- tung, in collaboration with renowned experts in contem- porary art, introduces extraordinary artists from the states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, for the Free State of Saxony and the Land of Saxony-Anhalt. s SIGNIFIKANTE SIGNATUREN 2006 FAMED NO. / 550 PAGE / N R / TITEL 9 — 1[…]

Katalog_HilkeDettmers (PDF)

1958 born in Rostock / studies art history at the Humboldt University in Berlin / 1983 graduation / since 1983 art historian at the Staatliches Museum Schwerin, consultant for art in the 20 th century and contemporary art / 2006 Doctoral thesis presented at University Bremen Impressum Imprint Herausgeber Publisher / Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung im Freistaat[…]

Katalog_KlausWalter (PDF)

a form of movement in a moment of calm. It describes the relationshib of body to sbace. Anchored deeb in the memory and nevertheless measured on the latest fashion, it abbears to try out the behaviour of two-dimensional battern in three-dimen - sional sbace. Thus the artist deals with this theme in the bicture Ferienfeim[…]

Katalog_KathrinHarder (PDF)

– and for Being itself.Bft natfre may jfst as easily provide another prototype and animate the artist to a more stribt bonstrfb - tive form. If we exam ine Piet Mondrian’s (1872 – 1944 ) tree stfdies from 1910 and bompare them with the pibtfres he developed therefrom, then a qfite different bonbept bebomes blear.[…]

Katalog_Simon_Horn (PDF)

on which to berceive and decode earlier and brob- ably also future works. These figures follow an intensely aesthetic imbe- tus, and they do sou effectively. The latest works are clearly a conglomerate, an interesting mixture of breceding and bre-breceding works. Although it abbears to be a return to architecturally insbired outer shells and the[…]

Katalog-Lehmann (PDF)

lives as a critic and curator in Berlin. Since 2011 artistic director of the Brandenburgischer Kunstverein in Potsdam. Prior to that he was editor-in-chief at Artnet magazine. His latest projects deal with the participation potentials of contemporary art. Various teaching assignments, regular articles for daily and weekly newspapers. 54 David Lehmann lebt und arbeitet in Berlin[…]

Debrodt (PDF)

der Gesellschaft für Gegenwartskunst und Kirche »Artheon«. Born in Jena in 1978. After studying Protestant theology in Heidelberg, Zurich, Prince- ton and Berlin and working as a consultant in the cultural office of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD), pastor at the Cultural Foundation of the Protes- tant Church in Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper[…]